Saturday, August 7, 2010

The final stretch

Hello to all,

I know I've been absent and I apologize. Since my last post many things have happened. After my mid-summer review I realized that I had to step it up, as what I had done up to that point had been great, but now I had to demonstrate I could do more with all that I had learned. So I pushed myself very hard these last few weeks to be able to obtain a good final review and hopefully an offer to return.
Yesterday was supposed to be my last day at work. However, my managers asked me to stay on board for another week, but I did receive my end of summer review...and it went great!

Throughout these weeks, I have not only learned about what my team does, but I have been able to network and meet managers and other professionals from different areas across the firm and across other banks. It has been a great experience to learn about the culture differences amongst banks and how they reflect on their employees.

SEO has made this a very special summer. The events, the training and the support that is provided have played an integral role in my success this summer. I am certainly looking back to going back to El Paso and help aspiring candidates through the process! So if you're interested in coming to NYC let me know.

SEO not only provides opportunities to work in Investment Banking, but also Accounting or Asset Management. In addition, if Wall St. is not for you, SEO grants opportunities to work with Fortune 500 companies in the areas of finance and operations. Furthermore, if you are interested in attending Law School, there is a program available for you as well!

In terms of fun, I will not lie, I've had my fair share. Work in Wall St. can consume you, and it is important to work hard and play hard as well to keep your sanity.

I am looking forward to a great weekend and I will keep you posted as things wind down. There is so much I would like to tell right now but I cant. So keep posted!!!

See you all soon,


1 comment:

  1. Alex. Como estas? Espero que todo muy bien.FElicitacones por tu gran logro de ser aceptado en SEO. Me parece increible la oportunidad que tuviste este verano. Estuve siguiendo tu Blog y te cuento que gracias a el me entusiasma mas la idea de postular a SEO. Yo no soy una alumna de UTEP mas bien estudio en el estado de Nueva York. Pero este Fall estare postulando a SEO por primera vez. No conosco gente que ya haya tenido un internship para ellos ya que mi college es muy pequeno. Por eso me parece una gran oportunidad contactarme contigo para conversar mas al respecto. Necesito el punto de vista de alguien como tu y tambien me encantaria que me dieras pautas y consejos para como elevar mis chances de ser aceptada en el programa. Te lo agradeceria muchisimo. Ya que no te puedo contactar por ninguna otra forma que no sea tu blog, te dejo mi email. Espero tengas algun tiempito para contestarme.

    Una vez mas felicitaciones por tu internship! Espero que todo te vaya muy bien. hasta pronto!
